Philosophy and Approach


Young children learn best, we believe, by doing, rather than by being shown or told. We do not so much “teach” them as help them to learn. Children of this age thrive in an environment in which they can explore and experience a wide variety of age-appropriate activities, real materials, and people that are challenging and stimulating at their level of development. Whether it is painting, climbing up a ramp, working with play dough, or building with blocks, a child in the first five years is involved with the process of the activity – the doing of it, the experiencing of it.


Children’s Circle endeavors to provide a setting that is inviting, safe, and child-oriented. This environment allows the child to learn about themselves and their world, to make decisions, and to gain competence backed by a maximum of support and a minimum of interference from adults. We seek to provide materials, challenges, and guidance that are appropriate to the child’s level of development in all areas. One of the most basic yet important lessons a child will learn at the school is that they can be cared for and cared about in a new setting outside their previous experience. We think that this sense of comfort and security supports all other learning.