Age Requirements

Children's Circle accepts children beginning at two-years, nine-months old. After reviewing educational literature over the last five decades, we are convinced that children belong in nursery school until they are between five-and-a-half and six-years old. This information is based on research studies conducted over time that we can share with you as your child approaches important developmental landmarks.



Children's Circle is open year-round, with morning classes that meet

Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.

We also offer extended hours, Monday through Thursday, until 4:00 pm.

Fees and Tuition

There is a one-time, non-refundable enrollment fee of $500 per child.

This pays for the time spent interviewing and processing each family into our school.

Currently, we are offering the following two choices for enrollment:

5 mornings a week - $1,580 per month

5 mornings and 1 afternoon a week- $1,760 per month

5 mornings and 2 afternoons a week- $1,940/month

5 mornings and 3 afternoons a week- $2,120/month

5 mornings and 4 afternoons a week - $2,300 per month

Our feeling is that the monetary issue should not determine whether or not your family chooses Children's Circle.

A sliding scale for tuition is available to families requiring financial aid.


We encourage parents to enroll in our toddler class prior to starting at the school.

Please visit our Toddler Program page for more information